Information Technology



CAR 201: Career Preparation

Credits 4
This course presents to the student information in the behavioral skills necessary to effectively present himself/herself to potential employers with confidence and professionalism. The student will also have acquired skills which enable him/her to maintain a position. The student will be presented with the skills and tasks of preparing personal resumes, letters of application, thank you letters, and employment applications. Interviewing and job search techniques are also studied.

CMP 101: English Composition

Credits 4

This course is designed to expand the student’s abilities in written communications. Principles of composition are developed through writing and revising various types of communications. Emphasis is placed on construction and composition, including word usage, grammar, and sentence analysis.

COM 101: Effective Communication

Credits 4
This course is designed to focus on the fundamentals of effective oral communication and the application of the fundamental principles of public speaking. The textbook, lectures, speaking assignments and all written work will acquaint the student with the basic theory and practice of public speaking.

CUR 101: Current Events

Credits 4
This course will cover the current issues affecting our lives today. World, National, and Local news, including areas of economics, political science, government, pop culture, and sports will be discussed. This will be presented with an emphasis placed on how it impacts today’s society.

ICH 101: Introduction to Computer Hardware

Credits 4
This course focuses on personal computer (PC) hardware installation and configuration, maintenance, and repair, as well as laptop/notebook maintenance and repair. Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to build a fully functional PC from scratch.

IDT 101: Introduction to Diagnostics and Troubleshooting

Credits 4
Students will be introduced to the basics of personal computer (PC) diagnostics and troubleshooting. Topics covered will include computer operating systems, software installation and operation, troubleshooting methodology, safety standards, and customer service skills.

IDT 102: Diagnostics and Troubleshooting II

Credits 4
Students will be introduced to personal computer (PC) diagnostics and troubleshooting for Macintosh and Linux systems. Other topics covered will include mobile device management, printer maintenance and repair, Internet of Things (IoT) devices, and cloud computing.

ITX 201: Information Technology Externship

Credits 3
The Information Technology externship is a capstone course that is taken in the last quarter of a student’s training. The student will complete 90 hours at an externship site with the goal of applying classroom skills to a real-world environment. The externship is designed to integrate classroom training and transform it into hands-on application, creating on-the-job experiences.

LOG 201: Logic and Critical Thinking

Credits 4
This course is designed to teach the practical application of skills necessary to analyze a problem, determine the solutions and options available, and weigh the pros and cons of each to reach a workable solution.

NET 101: Introduction to Networking

Credits 4
This course is designed to teach students the basic concepts of what computer networks are and how they work. The student will study the OSI and TCP/IP Models of networking, network topologies, the basics of Ethernet, and basic cabling.

NET 102: Networking II

Credits 4
Students will learn the proper procedures for the physical installation of computer networks. This course also covers the basics of switching, including the implementation of VLAN’s and switchport security.

NET 103: Networking III

Credits 3
This course covers the basics of TCP/IP, IP addressing, subnetting, routing concepts, and the implementation of static routing.

NET 104: Networking IV

Credits 3
This course covers more advanced routing concepts, including the implementation of dynamic routing utilizing OSPF and EIGRP. Other topics covered include Transport Layer protocols and common TCP/IP applications.

NET 105: Networking V

Credits 4
Students will be introduced to the basics of WAN connectivity, wireless networking, and the integration of networking devices. Students will also learn about network operations, network monitoring, and network troubleshooting.

PSY 201: Psychology

Credits 4

Students will explore basic psychological principles and will learn terminology and concepts that psychologists use to explain behavior and mental processes. This course applies the study of psychology to real life situations such as work, school, relationships, and personal well-being.

RAW 101: Research and Writing

Credits 4
This course is designed to introduce students to basic research principles and the relationship to effective and valid writing skills. Emphasis will be placed upon a fundamental understanding of MLA and APA writing formats.

SEC 201: Introduction to Network Security

Credits 4
This course provides an introduction to the field of computer and network security. Specific topics to be examined include basic principles of security, types of threat actors, vulnerability assessments and penetration testing, and endpoint security.

SEC 202: Network Security II

Credits 3
Students will study cryptography concepts such as public key infrastructure (PKI) and cryptographic protocols. The course will also examine the threats, assessments, and defenses on computer networks, as well as cloud and virtualization security.

SEC 203: Network Security III

Credits 3
This course will introduce the student to key concepts and practices in wireless network security. It will also address key authentication concepts. Other topics covered include incident preparation, response, and investigation; risk management; network resilience; and data privacy.

SER 101: Server I

Credits 4
This course is designed to provide an understanding of network management and administration on client/server networks. Topics covered include network server operating systems, virtualization and rapid server deployment, and Active Directory.

SER 202: Server II

Credits 4
This course is designed to teach students advanced server management concepts. Topics covered include network management using Group Policy, DHCP, DNS, file and printer sharing, and monitoring and troubleshooting network servers.

SSS 101: Student Success Strategies

Credits 4
This course is designed to present to the student the various skills and techniques that can be employed to achieve academic, interpersonal, and professional success. At the completion of the course, the student will have been introduced to study and test-taking techniques, interpersonal skills, stress management, time management, and motivation.

SWD 101: Introduction to Software Development

Credits 3
This course is designed to introduce students to the basics of coding and software development utilizing the Python programming language. Topics to be covered include installation and setup of the Python environment, the IDLE editor, types, variables, simple I/O, while loops, loops, and branching.

SWD 202: Software Development II

Credits 4
This course continues the teaching of basic coding and programming utilizing the Python programming language. Topics to be covered include strings, tuples, functions, file and exception management, software objects, and GUI development.